Ian Antón Oldenburg
Assistant Professor of Neuroscience and Cell Biology, RWJMS
Resident Faculty at the Center for Advanced Biotechnology & Medicine, RBHS
Director of the CABM Program for Holographic and Optogenetic Biology
Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
Office: 104 | Lab: 124
Center for Advanced Biotechnology and Medicine
Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
679 Hoes Lane West. Piscataway, NJ 08854
Ian received a B.S. in biology from Carnegie Mellon University. In 2014, he completed his Ph.D. in neuroscience at Harvard University under the supervision of Bernardo Sabatini, there he investigated the interactions between the basal ganglia and motor cortex. As a postdoctoral fellow in Hillel Adesnik’s lab at the University of California Berkeley he developed new multiphoton holographic optogenetic approaches and used them to dissect the interactions between neurons in sensory cortex.
In general, Ian is interested in understanding how neurons interact with each other to give rise to behaviors. However, these interactions can be diverse, depending heavily on context, and on the specifics of which neurons are firing when. In many cases, the first step to answer these questions is to build new tools that allow ever more precise manipulations.